Associate Planner

Part of SHG Event planning from the start, Erin wears many hats, and she wears them all well! She is not only our social media guru, but also the creative eye behind most of our Insta stories, documenting our wedding planning adventures. She is my right hand on ALL THINGS WEDDINGS and was an OG to the #detailsmatter movement! She has been known to travel many miles with a glue gun in hand, make runs for late night dumplings for an after party, or tie ribbons until her hands bled! You may find her up on a ladder 20 feet in the air, or on the ground fixing a bridesmaid gown mishap! She does it all….and with the most fun demeanor!!! Erin works full time as an Interior Design creative and owns a home organizing business of her own. Erin will be at many floral design collaboratives, rental selection meetings, floor plan layouts and runs events on the wedding weekend alongside of me! If you haven’t met her already, I can’t wait until you do!


Day Of Team

Heather joined our team in 2023 and hit the ground running.  She has brought so much to SHG, and we cannot be happier to have her smiling face and comedy every weekend!  Heather and Steph met at a local CrossFit gym and became quick friends, so you may notice that Heather will often be doing the “heavy lifting” on wedding weekends.  During the week Heather works with the homeless population in our area, and works to provide them with the resources that they need to reestablish themselves.  In her free time, when not working weddings, she enjoys training for CrossFit competitions, hiking, and hanging out with her husband and two sons.  


Day of Team

As a mother of 4, Crystal is a master of juggling many things at once while always staying calm.  Crystal is always one step ahead and ready to roll up her sleeves to make things happen, making her a perfect piece to the SHG team! Crystal works in our local school system and conveniently has summers and weekends free to be a part of our wedding crew (lucky for us!)


Day of Team

Tiffany has been a part of SHG since before it was even a “thing”. Tiffany and I have been friends for a lifetime and have worked together on weddings for nearly a decade. We not only enjoy working together, but we also enjoy playing together, and can occasionally be spotted shopping for shoes, running a 5k, eating tacos or sipping coffee at the local establishments! Tiffany is kind, and caring, and works full time with a local Non-Profit organization in the Berkshires.


Day of Team

Ashley is the wit and charm behind all SHG things. She kicks everyone into gear and makes things happen on wedding weekends, especially the fun! Ash is very experienced in the service industry and just knows what it takes to make sure an event runs smoothly and that every detail is attended to. In her spare time, Ashley runs around after the cutest little toddler that walks the earth!


Day of Team

Donna is a long-time member of SHG Events. You will know when she is on the scene when you hear her contagious laugh! Donna is a pillar in our community, working at a local private school and running an extremely important charitable fund for local cancer patients, in honor of her sister. Donna spear heads many successful fundraising events in the Northwest Corner of CT and knows her way around any event and what it takes for success. We are so lucky to have her as part of the team.